
I offer additional services to your existing clients. They are meant to give the client additional knowledge and support as they practice good health.  

Grocery store tours

One of the best ways to make you a nutrition expert is to show you how to shop for nutritious food. Let's go shopping.

Many people think you can ONLY get nutritious food at an expensive high-end store like Whole Foods. That is just not true, and I will show you how and why.

First, You and I will shop where you usually shop. I will ask you to go around the store and buy what you would 'normally.' Then we will go around again.  I will point out possible alternatives that are more nutritious and tell you why.   I will also share some of the strategies behind how the stores' set up. There is a whole lot of psychology that goes into the placement of food (or merchandising as it's called) and I will teach you how not to fall into the traps.

Secondly, we go to a second grocery store that is more 'healthy' for instance Sprouts, Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. Again, we will ferret out the nutritious and the not so nutritious stuff. Just because a store brands itself as a 'healthy' doesn't mean they have some 'less than healthy' items. 

Once we finish our shopping trips, you will feel empowered to make the best decisions in any grocery store you may encounter. 

PANTRY & FRIDGE makeover

This is something I do myself maybe twice a year.  It can be very cathartic. I ditch the expired food, and I purge food that has been sitting in my pantry, unused since the last time.  I will do the same for you and more.

Together we will go through your cabinets and fridge and read labels, and talk about ingredients and discuss the health level of each product.

Next, we will purge and categorize.  It is much easy and more efficient to have an organized cabinet and fridge when you are cooking and doing meal prep for you or your family.

The two services, shopping tour and makeover really go hand in hand. Although I offer them separately, I recommend we do them as a package.  


Turning an assessment into action is an exhilarating part of why you work with a Nutritionist, and for most people, that starts with meal plans.

I offer the meal planning as part of my initial game plan but will also do it as a one-off service for my new or existing clients.  I will customize meal plans based on your needs and I will teach you to create your own meal plans. 


Looking to have a dinner party that is delicious and nutritious? I got you. I can develop a meal plan, shop and help you prep for any event or party you have in mind.  I will take this opportunity to teach you how to throw healthy party anytime.   I will give you the tools to create a tasty and nutritious menu and execute a lovely event.   


Ready to get started?   


I would love to talk to you and see how I can help you.

Just fill out this form  >>>> and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Or feel free to email me directly,